Alicia J. Lozano, MS
- 2014 to 2016: Drexel University, David and Dana Dornsife School of Public Health
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Master of Science in Biostatistics
- 2009 to 2013: Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Baccalaureate of Arts Dual Degree in Mathematics and Spanish
- 2019 to present: Assistant Director
Center for Biostatistics and Health Data Science
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Roanoke, Virginia
- 2015 to 2019: Statistical Analyst
BECCA (Biostatistics * Evaluation * Collaboration * Consultation * Analysis) Lab
School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- 2012: Research Intern
Pacific Undergraduate Research Experience in Mathematics
University of Hawai'i at Hilo
Hilo, Hawaii
Awards and Honors
- 2014 to 2016: Dean's Scholarship
Drexel University, David and Dana Dornsife School of Public Health
- 2013: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Labs Research Award in Math Department of Mathematics
Bryn Mawr College
Alicia J. Lozano, MS has seven years of collaborative experience supporting numerous clinical or biomedical research projects, starting at the University of Pennsylvania and now at the Center for Biostatistics and Health Data Science at Virginia Tech’s Health Science and Technology Campus in Roanoke. Alicia is funded on several contracts and NIH grants, and has contributed to work in a broad range of areas, including but not limited to sleep, cardiovascular disease, physical activity, geriatric health outcomes, HIV in veterans, women’s health, mental disorders, weight loss, food insecurity, intimate partner violence, youth wellness, air pollution, and medication harm and management. Her statistical expertise and experience include experimental study design, randomization scheme generation, sample size/power estimation, data management and survey development in REDCap and Qualtrics, data cleaning and analysis using SAS and R statistical software, as well as the preparation of grant proposals, manuscripts, and data safety monitoring committee reports.
Visit Alicia Lozano's VT Elements page for more publications.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:
Cripe, B.A., Orfield, N.J., Apel, P.J., Lozano, A.J., Hanlon, A.L., Capito, A.E. Predictors of Mortality and Revision Following Digital Amputation. Journal of Hand Surgery. (revisions submitted).
Hanlon A.L., Lozano A.J., Prakash S., et al. A Comprehensive Survey of Collaborative Biostatistics Units in Academic Health Centers. Stat. 2002;e521. In press. https://
Hanlon A.L., Pauly M.V., Huang L., Lozano A.J., Hirschman K.B., McCauley K., Press M., Naylor M.D. Medical Complexity Mediates Healthcare Resource Use in the Socially Vulnerable. J Healthc Manag. 2022 May 1;67(3):173-191. doi: 10.1097/JHM-D-21-00072. PMID: 35576444.
Han, J. E., Lozano, A., Hasan, S., Choi, J. I., Chhabra, A. M., Tsai, H., . . . Press, R. H. (2022). Proton Therapy Outcomes for Head and Neck Cutaneous Melanoma: Proton Collaborative Group Analysis. International Journal of Particle Therapy. doi:10.14338/ijpt-22-00003.1
Lisanti, A. J., Golfenshtein, N., Marino, B. S., Huang, L., Hanlon, A. L., Lozano, A. J., . . . Medoff-Cooper, B. (2022). Quality of Life of Mothers of Infants Subjected to Neonatal Cardiac Surgery: The Importance of Psychosocial Factors. World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery, 13(3), 324-331. doi:10.1177/21501351221088832
Taney, K., Smith, M.M., Cummings, N.P., Lozano, A.J. (2021). Risk Factors for Failure of Hard Palate Mucoperiosteal Flap Repair of Acquired Oronasal Communication in Dogs: A Pilot Study. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2021.762842
Choi, J.I., Khan, A.J., Powell, S.N., McCormick, B., Lozano, A.J., Del Rosario, G., Mamary, J., Liu, H., Fox, P., Gillespie, E., Braunstein, L.Z., Mah, D., Cahlon, O. (2021). Proton Reirradiation for Recurrent or New Primary Breast Cancer in the Setting of Prior Breast Irradiation. Radiation and Oncology. DOI: doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2021.10.010. PMID: 34688807.
Golfenshtein, N., Hanlon, A.L., Lozano, A.J., Srulovici, E., Lisanti, A.J., Cui, N., Medoff-Cooper, B. (2021). Parental Post Traumatic Stress predicts Healthcare Utilization in infants with Congenital Heart Defects: A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial. The Journal of Pediatrics. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2021.06.073.
Hrubec, T., Seguin, R.P., Xu, L., Cortopassi, G.A., Datta, S., Hanlon, A.L., Lozano, A.J., McDonald, V.A., Healy, C.A., Anderson, T.C., Musse, N.A., Williams, R.T. (2021). Altered Toxicological Endpoints in Humans with Quaternary Ammonium Compound Exposure. Toxicology Reports. DOI: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2021.03.006.
Merritt, W., Roberge Bouchard, D., Ford, C., Lozano, A., Xu, Y., Hanlon, A., Petrelli, N., Tiesi, G. (2021). The Disclosure Slide – Informative or Obligatory, Five Years of SSO Cancer Symposium Oral Presentations. Journal of Surgical Oncology. DOI: 10.1002/jso.26456.
Brawner, B.M., Jemmot, L.S., Hanlon, A.L., Lozano, A.J., Abboud, S., Ahmed, C., Wingood, G. (2021). Results from Project GOLD: A pilot randomized controlled trial of a psychoeducational HIV/STI prevention intervention for Black youth. AIDS Care. DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2021.1874273.
Richards, K.C., Allen, R.P., Morrison, J., Fry, L., Kovach, C.R., Rangel A., Loera, A., Wang, Y., Hanlon, A.L., Lozano, A.J., Bliwise, D.L. (2020). Nighttime Agitation and Restless Legs Syndrome: Enhancing Recognition and Improving Care. JAMDA. DOI: 10.1016/j.jamda.2020.11.026.
Richards, K. C., Morrison, J., Wang, Y. Y., Rangel, A., Loera, A., Hanlon, A., Lozano, A., Kovach, C., Gooneratne, N., Fry, L., Allen, R. (2020). Nighttime Agitation and Restless Legs Syndrome in People with AD (NightRest): Study Protocol for a Double-blind Placebo-controlled Randomized Trial. Research in Gerontological Nursing. PMID: 32966585 DOI: 10.3928/19404921-20200918-01.
Prudencio, J., Lozano, A., Xu, Y., Wongwiwatthananukit, S. (2020). Instagram as a Tool to Enhance Pharmacy Student Learning of Ambulatory Care Pharmacy. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. DOI: 10.1016/j.cptl.2020.09.007.
Chou, J., Pellegrin, K., Cooke, C., Zarowitz, B., Hanlon, A., Lozano, A., Brandt, N. (2020). Understanding the Socioeconomic and Geographical Characteristics of Beneficiaries Receiving a Comprehensive Medication Review (CMR). Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy. DOI: 10.18553/jmcp.2020.26.10.1276.
Ricco, A., Barbera, G., Lanciano, R., Feng, J., Hanlon, A., Lozano, A., Good, M., Arrigo, A., Lamond, J., Yang, J. (2020). Favorable biochemical freedom from recurrence at 10 years following Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Intermediate and High Risk Prostate Cancer. Frontiers in Oncology, section Radiation Oncology. DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2020.01505.
Ricco, A., Barlow, S., Jacob, J., Jing Feng, J., Lozano, A., Hanlon, A., Arrigo, S., Obayomi-Davies, O., Lamond, J., Yang, J., Lanciano, R. (2020). Repeat Thoracic Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer: long term outcomes, toxicity and dosimetric considerations. Advances in Radiation Oncology. DOI: 10.1016/j.adro.2020.06.006.
Patterson, F., Dominick, G., Mitchell, J., Lozano, A., Huang, L., Hanlon, A. (2020). Does Meeting Physical Activity Recommendations ameliorate association between Television Viewing with Cardiovascular Disease Risk? A Cross-sectional, Population Analysis. BMJ Open. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-036507.
Ratnasekera, A., Pulido, O., Durgin, S., Nichols, S., Lozano, A., Sienko, D., Hanlon, A., Martin, N. (2020). Venous Thromboembolism Following Penetrating Femoral and Popliteal Artery Injuries: An Opportunity for Increased Prevention. Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open. DOI: 10.1136/tsaco-2020-000468.
Healy, S., Williams, E., Lozano, A., Hanlon, A., Patterson, F. (2020). Rethinking daily movement behaviors for children with autism spectrum disorder; meeting the 24-hour movement guidelines. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. DOI: 10.5507/euj.2020.006.
Collins, P., Apel, P., Truong, A., Zarei, M., Lozano, A., Capito, A. (2020). The Utility of Preoperative HbA1C as a Standardized Protocol in Elective Carpal Tunnel Release: A Retrospective Review on Clinical Outcomes. HAND. DOI: 10.1177/1558944720919181.
Wang, Y., Cheng, C., Moelter, S., Fuentecilla, J.L., Kincheloe, K., Lozano, A.J., Carter, P., Gooneratne, N., Richards, K.C. (2020). One Year of CPAP Adherence Improves Cognition in Older Adults with Mild Apnea and Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Secondary Analysis of Memories 1. Nursing Research. DOI: 10.1097/NNR.0000000000000420.
Riegel, B., Daus, M., Lozano, A.J., Malone, S.K., Patterson, F., Hanlon, A.L. (2019). Shift workers have higher blood pressure medicine use, but only when they are short sleepers: A longitudinal UK Biobank Study. Journal of the American Heart Association. DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.119.013269.
Petrovsky, D.V., Sefcik, J.S., Hanlon, A.L., Lozano, A.J., Cacchione, P.Z. (2019). Social Engagement, Cognition, Depression and Co-morbidity in Nursing Home Residents with Sensory Impairment. Research in Gerontological Nursing. DOI: 10.3928/19404921-20190627-01.
Howe, K., Kaluna, L., Lozano, A., Torres Fischer, B., Tagami, Y., McHugh, R., Jarvi, S. (2019). Water transmission potential of Angiostrongylus cantonensis: larval viability and effectiveness of rainwater catchment sediment filters. PLos One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209813.
Wright, E. N., Hanlon, A., Lozano, A., & Teitelman, A. M. (2019). The Impact of Intimate Partner Violence, Depressive Symptoms, Alcohol Dependence, and Perceived Stress on 30-Year Cardiovascular Disease Risk Among Young Adult Women: A Multiple Mediation Analysis. Preventive Medicine. DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2019.01.016.
Richards, K., Gooneratne, N., Dicicco, B., Hanlon, A., Moelter, S., Onen, F., Sawyer, A., Crecenz, M., Wang, Y., Weaver, T., Lozano, A., Carter, P., Johnson, J. (2019). CPAP Adherence May Slow 1-Year Cognitive Decline in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Apnea. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. DOI: 10.1111/jgs.15758.
Brawner, B.M., Jemmot, L.S., Wingood, G., Lozano, A.J., Hanlon, A.L. (2019). Characteristics of Black youth enrolled in a pilot randomized controlled trial of a novel psychoeducational HIV/STI prevention intervention. Research in Nursing & Health. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21930.
Varas-Diaz, N., Betancourt-Diaz, E., Lozano, A.J., Huang, L., DiNapoli, L., Hanlon, A., Villarruel, A (2019). Testing the efficacy of a web-based parent-adolescent sexual communication intervention among Puerto Ricans. Family and Community Health Journal. DOI: 10.1097/FCH.0000000000000209.
Lach, H., Lozano, A., Hanlon, A., Cacchione, P. (2019). Fear of falling in sensory impaired nursing home residents. Aging and Mental Health. DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2018.1537359.

Assistant Director, Center for Biostatistics and Health Data Science
4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA 24016