Eric P. Smith
- Department Head
- Director of Computational Modeling and Data Analytics (2014-2015)
- Department Head (2006-2015, 2022-Present)
- Director of Statistical Consulting (1995-2004)
- B.S., University of Georgia, Department of Mathematics, 1975
- M.S., University of Washington, Biomathematics Group, 1982
- Ph.D., University of Washington, Biomathematics Group, 1982
Dissertation Title: The Statistical Properties of Biological Indices of Water Quality
Advisor: Gerald van Belle
Awards & Honors
- Elected member of the International Statistics Institute
- Fellow of the American Statistical Association
- Distinguished Achievement Award from the American Statistical Association (Section on Environmental Statistics)
Professional Memberships
- International Statistics Institute
- American Statistical Association
- Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- The International Environmetric Society
Other activities
- Associate Editor: Environmetrics 1989 to 2008, Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 1994 to 2000
- Associate Editor, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Applications and Case Studies, 1998 to 2004
- Editorial Collaborator, Ecological and Environmental Statistics, 1996 to present
- Secretary, The International Environmetrics Society (TIES), 1994 to 2000
- Chair elect: Environmental Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association (2001)
- Biological Statistics
- Biometry
- Consulting
- Data Mining
- Introduction to Visualization and Analytics
- Multivariate methods
- Multivariate analysis
- Multivariate graphics
- Biological sampling and modeling
- Ecotoxicology
- Data analytics
- Visualization
- Smith, E. P. and T.M. Zaret. 1982. "Bias in estimating niche overlap." Ecology 63, 1248-1253.
- Boone, E., Ye, K., and Smith, E.P. 2009. "Using data augmentation via the Gibbs Sampler to incorporate missing covariate structure in linear models for ecological assessments." Environ Ecol Stat, 16: 75-87.
- Jiao, Y., Reid, K., Nudds, T., and Smith, E.P. 2009. "Graphical Evaluation of Fishery Status Using a Likelihood Inference Approach" North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29: 1106-1118.
- Hudy, M., Theling, T., Gillespie, N., and Smith, E.P. 2008. "Distribution, Status, and Land Use Characteristics of Subwatersheds within the Native Range of Brook Trout in the Eastern United States." North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 28: 1069-1085.
- Zhang, H., Theling, T., Prins, S., Smith, E.P., and Hudy, M. 2008. "Model-Based Clustering in a Brook Trout Classification Study within the Eastern United States." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 137: 841-851.
- Hagerthey, S., Newman, S., Rutchey, K., Smith, E.P., and Godin, J. 2008. "Multiple Regime Shifts in a Subtropical Peatland: Community-Specific Thresholds to Euthrophication." Ecological Monographs, 78(4): 547-565.
- Rose, K., Roth, B., and Smith, E.P. 2008. "Skill assessment of spatial maps for oceanographic modeling." Journal of Marine Systems, 76: 34-48.
- Prins, S., and Smith, E.P. 2007. "Using biological metrics to score and evaluate sites: a nearest-neighbor reference condition approach." Freshwater Biology, 52: 98-111.
- Karpanty, S., Fraser, J., Berkson, J., Niles, L., Dey, A. and Smith, E.P. 2006. "Horseshoe Crab Eggs Determine Red Knot Distribution in Delaware Bay." Journal of Wildlife Management, 706(6): 1704-1710.
- Lipkovich, I., Smith, E.P., and Ye, K. 2005. "Detecting pattern in biological stressor response relationships using model based cluster analysis." Environ Ecol Stat.
- Boone, E., Ye., K., and Smith, E.P. 2005. "Evaluating the Relationship Between
Ecological and Habitat Conditions Using Hierarchical Models." Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Evironmental Statistics, 10(2): 131-147.
- Wang, Y., Smith, E.P., and Ye, K. 2004. "Sequential designs for a Poisson regression model." Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
- Wang, Y., Myers, R., Smith, E.P., and Ye, K. 2004. "D-optimal designs for Poisson regression models." Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
- Duma, S., Hansen, G., Kennedy, E., Rath, A., McNally, C., Kemper, A., Smith, E.P., Brolinson, P., Stitzel, J., Davis, M., Bass, C., Brozoski, F., McEntire, B., Alem, N., and Crowley, J. 2004. "Upper Extremity Interaction with a Helicopter Side Airbag: Injury Criteria for Dynamic Hyperextension of the Female Elbow Joint." Stapp Car Crash Journal, 48.
- Boone, E., Ye, K., and Smith, E.P. 2004. "Assessment of two approximation methods for computing posterior model probabilities" Computational Statistics & Data Analysis.
- Smith, E.P., Robinson, T., Field, L.J., Norton, S.B. 2003. "Predicting Sediment Toxicity Using Logistic Regression: A Concentration-Addition Approach" Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 22(3): 565-575.
- Lipkovich, I., and Smith, E.P. 2003. Model Based Clustering. (DRAFT).
- Smith, E.P. 2002 Statistical Considerations in the Development, Evaluation, and Use of Biomarkers in Environmental Studies. Pages 565-590 in Biological Indicators of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
- Smith, E.P., I. Lipkovich, K. Ye. Weight of Evidence: Quantitative Estimation of Probability of Impact. Submitted to Human and Ecological Risk Assessment.
- Smith, E.P., I. Lipkovich, K. Ye. 2002. "Weight of Evidence: Quantitative Estimation of Probability of Impairment for Individual and Multiple Lines of Evidence" Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 8(7): 1585-1596.
- Smith, E.P., T. Robinson, L.J. Field and S. Norton. Predicting Sediment Toxicity Using Logistic Regression. Awaiting comments from co-authors. Submitted to Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
- Smith, E.P. 2002. BACI design. Pages 141-148 in A.H. El-Shaarawi and W.W. Piegorsch, eds, Enclcyopedia of Environmentrics,. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester.
- Smith, E.P. 2002. Ecological Statistics. Pages 589-602 in A.H. El-Shaarawi and W.W. Piegorsch, eds, Enclcyopedia of Environmentrics,. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester.
- Smith, E.P. 2002. Encountered data. Pages 668-669 in A.H. El-Shaarawi and W.W. Piegorsch, eds, Enclcyopedia of Environmentrics,. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester.
- Smith, E.P. 2002. Impact, environmental. Pp 1035-1037 in A.H. El-Shaarawi and W.W. Piegorsch, eds, Enclcyopedia of Environmentrics,. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester.
- Smith, E.P. 2002. Monitoring, biological. Pages 1296-1300 in A.H. El-Shaarawi and W.W. Piegorsch, eds, Enclcyopedia of Environmentrics,. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester.
- Ye, K., and Smith, E.P. 2002. "A Bayesoan Approach to Evaluating Site Impairment" Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 9, 379-392.
- Darken, P.F, Zipper, C.E., Holtzman, G.I., and Smith, E.P. "Serial correlation in water quality variables: Estimation and implications for trend analysis." Water Resources Research, 38(7): 22-1 - 22-7.
- Smith, E.P. 2002. Uncertainty analysis. Pages 2283-2297 in A.H. El-Shaarawi and W.W. Piegorsch, eds, Enclcyopedia of Environmentrics,. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester.
- Smith, E. P. and P. M. McCormick. 2001. "Long term trends in phosphorous in an Everglades marsh." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 68(2): 153-176.
- Wang, Shin Cheng David, E.P. Smith. 2000. "Adjusting for morality effects in chronic toxicity testing: Mixture model approach." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19(1), 204-209.
- Niederlehner, B. R., John Cairns, Jr., and E. P. Smith. 1998 "Modeling acute and chronic toxicity of nonpolar narcotic chemicals and mixtures to Ceriodaphnia dubia", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 39, 136-146.
- Peigorsch, Walter W., Eric P. Smith, Don Edwards and Richard L. Smith. 1998. "Statistical advances in environmental science." Statistical Science 13, (2), 186-208.
- Rose, Kenneth A., Eric P. Smith. 1998. "Statistical assessment of model goodness-of-fit using permutation tests." Ecological Modelling 106, 129-139.
- See, K. and E. P. Smith. 1998. "Testing interaction in three-way ANOVA tables with a single observation per cell." Communications in Statistics:Theory and Methods 27(4), 839-866.
- Smith, Eric P. 1998. "Randomization methods and the analysis of multivariate ecological data." Environmetrics 9, 37-51.
- Smith, E.P. and K.R. Rose. 1995. "Model goodness of fit using regression and related techniques." Ecological Modelling 77, 49-64.
- Smith, E.P. and J. Cairns, Jr. 1993. "Extrapolation methods for setting ecological standards: Statistical and ecological concerns." Ecotoxicology 2, 203-219.
- Smith, E.P., D. Orvos, J. Cairns, Jr. 1993. "Impact assessment using the before-after control-impact model: Comments and concerns." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 50, 627-637.
- Smith, E.P., S. Rheem, and G.I. Holtzman. 1993. Chapter 23. "Multivariate assessment of trend in environmental variables." In Multivariate Environmental Statistics. G.P. Patil, C.R. Rao, and N.P. Ross (eds.), 489-508.
- Beauchamp, J.J., S. Christensen, and E.P. Smith. 1992. "Selection of factors affecting the presence of brook trout in Adirondack lakes: A case study." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49, 597-608.
- Rose, K.A., and E.P. Smith. 1992. Experimental design: "The neglected aspect of environmental monitoring." Environmental Management 16(6), 691-700.
- Rose, K.A., E.P. Smith, R.H. Gardner, A.L. Brenkert and S.M. Bartell. 1991. "Parameter sensitivities, Monte Carlo filtering, and model forecasting under uncertainty." Journal of Forecasting 10, 117-133.
- Smith, E.P. and K. Rose. 1991. "Trend detection in the presence of covariates: Stagewise versus multiple regression." Environmetrics 2(2), 153-168.
- Smith, E.P. and B.D. Marx. 1990. "Ill-conditioned information matrices, the generalized linear model and estimation of the effects of acid rain." Environmentrics 1, 57-72.
- Marx, B.D. and E.P. Smith. 1990. "Principal component regression for generalized linear models." Biometrika 77, 23-31.
- Marx, B.D. and E.P. Smith. 1990. "Weighted multicollinearity in logistic regression: Diagnostics and biased estimation techniques with an example from lake acidification." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 47, 1128-1135.
- Smith, E.P., K.W. Potasch and J. Cairns, Jr. 1990. "Community similarity and the analysis of multispecies environmental data: a unified statistical approach." Water Research 24(4), 507- 514.
- Lu, R.P., E.P. Smith and I.J. Good. 1989. "Multivariate measures of similarity and niche overlap." Theoretical Population Biology 35, 1-21.
- Pontasch, K.W., E.P. Smith, J. Cairns, Jr. 1989. "Diversity indices, community comparison indices and canonical discriminate analysis: interpreting the results of multispecies toxicity tests." Water Research 23(10), 1229-1238.
- Genter, R., D. Cherry, E.P. Smith and J. Cairns, Jr. 1987. "Algal periphyton population and community changes from zinc stress in stream mesocosms." Hydrobiologia 153, 261-275.
- O'Keefe, R., O. Balci and E.P. Smith. 1987. "Validation of expert system performance." IEEE Transaction on Expert System 2(4), 81-90. Reprinted in AI Applications in Natural Resource Management 2, 35-43. Also reprinted in J.S. Chandler and T.P. Liang, 1990. Developing Expert Systems for Business Applications, Merrill, Columbus. Pp. 91-100. Also reprinted in U. Gupta (ed.,), Validating and Verifying Knowledge-based Systems, IEEE computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, pp. 2-11.
- Good, I.J. and E.P. Smith. 1986. "An additive algorithm related to the singular decomposition; or a comparison of polarization, and multiplicative models." Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation 15, 545-570.
- Smith, E.P., R. Genter and J. Cairns Jr. 1986. "Confidence intervals for the similarity between algal communities." Hydrobiologia 139, 237-247.
- Smith, E.P. 1985. "Estimating the reliability of diet overlap measures." Environmental Biology of Fishes 13, 125-138.
- Smith, E.P. 1985. "Statistical comparison of weighted overlap measures." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 114, 250-257.
- Smith, E. P., P.M. Stewart and J. Cairns, Jr. 1985. "Similarities between refraction methods." Hydrobiologia 120, 167-170.
- Smith, E. P. and Gerald van Belle. 1984. "Nonparametric estimation of species richness." Biometrics 40, 119-129.
- Zaret, T.M. and E.P. Smith. 1984. "On measuring niches and not measuring niches." In Evolutionary Ecology of Neotropical Freshwater Fishes, T.M. Zaret, ed., Dr. W. Junk Publishers, The Hague, Netherlands, 128-137.
- Smith, E.P. 1982. "Niche breadth, resource availability and statistical inference." SIMS Technical Report No. 8, Biomathematics Group, University of Washington.

Department Head
406 Hutcheson Hall (MC 0439)
250 Drillfield Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061