J.P. Morgan
- Associate Dean of Strategic Initiatives for the College of Science
- Ph.D., Department of Statistics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, May 1983
- M.S., Department of Statistics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, May 1982
- B.S., Mathematics and Statistics, summa cum laude, Roanoke College, May 1979
Professional Memberships
- American Statistical Association
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics
- President, Virginia Chapter ASA, 1988-1989, 2005-2006, 2012-2013
- The Institute for Combinatorics and its Applications
- Associate Editor for Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, January 2004 - January 2012
- Associate Editor for Journal of the American Statistical Association, January 2008 - January 2011
- Associate Editor for The American Statistician, July 2008 - present
- Associate Editor for Journal of the Indian Society for Agricultural Statistics, January 2009 - present
- Referee for hundreds of papers from across the spectrum of statistics journals (summary list available upon request)
- Many invited colloquia talks (list available upon request)
- Organizer of a number of conference sessions, most recently Design for Linear Models at ICODOE 2011 in Memphis, May 2011 (list available upon request)
- Co-developer of the website designtheory.org
- Served on seven NSF reviews panels
- Experimental Design
- Linear Models
- Applied Multivariate
- Regression and ANOVA
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Mathematical Statistics
- Engineering Statistics
- Experimental design
- Combinatorics
- Discrete optimization
- “Block designs for first and second order neighbor correlations” by J. P. Morgan and I.M. Chakravarti (1988). Annals of Statistics 16, 1206-1224.
- “Balanced polycross designs” by J. P. Morgan (1988). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B 50, 93-104.
- “Polycross designs with complete neighbor balance” by J. P. Morgan (1988). Euphytica 39, 59-63.
- “Terrace constructions for bordered, two-dimensional neighbor designs” by J. P. Morgan (1988). Ars Combinatoria 26, 123-140.
- “On the expected distribution of species ranges” by Carl F. Koch and J. P. Morgan (1988). Paleobiology 14, 126-138.
- “Some series constructions for two-dimensional neighbor designs” by J. P. Morgan (1990). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 24, 37-54.
- “Some constructions for balanced incomplete block designs with nested rows and columns” by Nizam Uddin and J. P. Morgan (1990). Biometrika 77, 193-202.
- “Some constructions for rectangular, Latin square, and pseudocylic nested row- column designs”, by J.P. Morgan and Nizam Uddin (1990). Utilitas Mathematica 38, 43-51.
- “Two constructions for balanced incomplete block designs with nested rows and columns” by Nizam Uddin and J. P. Morgan (1991). Statistica Sinica 1, 229-232.
- “Optimal and near optimal Latin squares for correlated errors” by Nizam Uddin and J. P. Morgan (1991). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 29, 279-290.
- “Let’s make a deal: the player’s dilemma” by J. P. Morgan, N. R. Chaganty, R. C. Dahiya, and M. J. Doviak (1991). With commentaries and rejoinders. The American Statistician 45, 284-289, 347-348.
- “Two dimensional design for correlated errors” by J. P. Morgan and Nizam Uddin (1991). Annals of Statistics 19, 2160-2182.
- “Optimal block designs with minimum replicate and maximum blocksize constraints” by N. Uddin and J. P. Morgan (1992). Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 21, 179-195.
- “Optimality and construction of nested row and column designs”, by J. P. Morgan and N. Uddin (1993). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 37, 81-93.
- “On mutually orthogonal and totally balanced sets of balanced incomplete block designs with nested rows and columns” by J. P. Morgan and N. Uddin (1993). Statistica Sinica 3, 435-451.
- “Construction and optimality of affine resolvable designs” by R. A. Bailey, H. Monod, and J. P. Morgan (1995). Biometrika 82, 187-200.
- “Optimal, nonbinary, variance balanced designs” by J. P. Morgan and N. Uddin (1995). Statistica Sinica 5, 535-546.
- “On the class of 22 balanced incomplete block designs with nested rows and columns” by S. K. Srivastav and J. P. Morgan (1996). Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 25, 1859-1870.
- “Optimal blocked main effects plans with nested rows and columns and related designs” by J. P. Morgan and N. Uddin (1996). Annals of Statistics 24, 1185-1208.
- “Nested Designs” by J. P. Morgan (1996). In Handbook of Statistics, Vol 13, Design and Analysis of Experiments, pp 939-976. North-Holland, Amsterdam.
- “Optimal designs for interacting blocks with OAVS incidence” by J. P. Morgan (1997). Metrika 45, 67-83.
- “Orthogonal sets of balanced incomplete block designs with nested rows and columns” by J. P. Morgan and N. Uddin (1997). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 59, 369-378.
- “On pairs of Youden designs” by J. P. Morgan (1997). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 60, 367-387.
- “Universally optimal designs with blocksize p 2 and correlated errors” by N. Uddin and J. P. Morgan (1997). Annals of Statistics 25, 1189-1207.
- “Efficient block designs for settings with spatially correlated errors” by N. Uddin and J. P. Morgan (1997). Biometrika 84, 443-454.
- “Further constructions for orthogonal sets of balanced incomplete block designs with nested rows and columns” by J. P. Morgan and N. Uddin (1997). Sankhya B 59, 156-163.
- “Optimality of designs with generalized group divisible structure” by S. K. Srivastav and J. P. Morgan (1998). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 71, 313-330.
- “Properties of superimposed BIBDs” by J. P. Morgan (1998). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 73, 135-148.
- “Orthogonal collections of Latin squares” by J. P. Morgan (1998). Technometrics 40, 327-333.
- “A class of neighbor balanced block designs and their efficiencies for spatially correlated errors”, by J. P. Morgan and N. Uddin (1999). Statistics 32, 317-330.
- “Doubly nested balanced incomplete block designs” by D.A.Preece, D.H. Rees, and J. P. Morgan (1999). Congressus Numerantium 137, 5-18.
- “On the type-I optimality of nearly balanced incomplete block designs with small concurrence range” by J. P. Morgan and S. K. Srivastav (2000). Statistica Sinica 10, 1091-1116.
- “Optimal designs with many blocking factors” by J. P. Morgan and R. A. Bailey (2000). Annals of Statistics 28, 553-577.
- “Nested balanced incomplete block designs” by J. P. Morgan, D.A.Preece, and D.H. Rees (2001). Discrete Mathematics 231, 351-389.
- “Construction of generalized group divisible designs in settings admitting symmetry” by S. K. Srivastav and J. P. Morgan (2001). American Journal of Mathematics and Management Sciences 21, 351-389.
- “The completely symmetric designs with blocksize three” by J. P. Morgan and S. K. Srivastav (2002). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 106, 21-30.
- “On the E-optimality of truncated block designs” by S. K. Srivastav and J. P. Morgan (2002). Metrika 56, 239-245.
- “Row-column design for two treatments” by J. P. Morgan and N. Uddin (2003). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 115, 603-622.
- “Optimal design in irregular BIBD settings” by B. Reck and J. P. Morgan (2005). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 129, 59-84.
- “TA training at VT: a stepwise progression” by J. B. Birch and J. P. Morgan (2005). The American Statistician 59, 14-18
- “Designs on the web” by R. A. Bailey, P. J. Cameron, P. Dobscyani, J. P. Morgan, and L. S. Soicher (2006). Discrete Mathematics, 306, 3014-3027.
- “Optimal row-column designs for three treatments” by J. P. Morgan and V. Parvu (2007). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137, 1474-1487.
- “Nested Designs” by J. P. Morgan (2007). Handbook of Combinatorial Designs, 2nd ed., eds. C. J. Colbourn and J. H. Dinitz, pp. 535-540. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton.
- “E-optimal design in irregular BIBD settings” by B. Reck and J. P. Morgan (2007). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137, 1658-1668.
- “E-optimal designs for three treatments” by V. Parvu and J. P. Morgan (2007). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138, 642-653.
- “Resolvable designs with large blocks” by J. P. Morgan and B. Reck (2007). Annals of Statistics, 35, 747-771.
- “Optimal incomplete block designs” by J. P. Morgan (2007). Journal of the American Statistical Association, 102, 655-663.
- “Optimal experimentation in two blocks” by J. P. Morgan and B. Jin (2007). Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 1, 357-375.
- “Most robust BIBDs” by J. P. Morgan and V. Parvu (2007). Statistica Sinica, 18, 689-707.
- “Optimal saturated block designs when errors are correlated” by B. Jin and J. P. Morgan (2007). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138, 3299-3308.
- “Latin squares and related designs” by J. P. Morgan (2007). Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, 919-925.
- “On MV-optimality of resolvable designs from 2-level orthogonal arrays” by J. P. Morgan (2008). Statistics and Applications, 6, 87-95.
- “Variance balance and admissibility” by J. P. Morgan (2009). Journal of Statistics and Applications, 4, 409-419.
- “Optimal resolvable designs with minimum PV aberration” by J. P. Morgan (2010). Statistica Sinica, 20, 715-732.
- “The Monitoring of Simple Linear Regression Profiles with Two Observations Per Sample” by M. Mahmoud, J. P. Morgan, and W. H. Woodall (2010). Journal of Applied Statistics, 37, 1249-1263.
- “Weighted Optimality in Designed Experimentation” by J. P. Morgan and X. Wang (2010). Journal of the American Statistical Association, 105, 1566-1580.
- “E-optimality in treatment versus control experiments” by J. P. Morgan and X. Wang (2011). Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 5, 99-107.
- “Blocking, efficiency, and weighted optimality” by X. Wang and J. P. Morgan (2011). Biometrika, 98, 967-978.
- “RCBDs with a control” by X. Wang and J. P. Morgan (2012). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142, 1225-1233.
- “Experimental Design” by J. P. Morgan and X. Deng (2012). WIREs Data Mining Knowl Discov, 2, 164-172.
- “Experimental study on the contact patch pressure and sinkage of a lightweight vehicle on sand” by C. Sandu, M. E. Worley, and J. P. Morgan (2012). Journal of Terramechanics, 47, 343-359.
- “The monitoring of linear profiles with a GLR control chart.” by L. Xu, S, Wang, Y. Peng, J. P. Morgan, M. R. Reynolds, and W. H. Woodall (2012). Journal of Quality Technology 44, 348-362.
- “Srivastava and Design” by J. P. Morgan, S. Ghosh, and A. Dean (2013). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, to appear.
- “The A-criterion of experimental design” by J. P. Morgan and J. W. Stallings (2013). Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, to appear.
- “Blocking with independent responses” by J. P. Morgan (2012). Handbook of Modern Statistical Methods: Experimental Design, submitted. (66 pages).

Associate Dean of Strategic Initiatives
406 Hutcheson Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061 (MC 0405)
- 540-231-6738
- jpmorgan@vt.edu